One day we will find our doves again
and kindness will hold beauty’s hand
One day when the slightest hymn is a kiss
and each human being is a brother to each human being
One day when they won’t close the doors
locks are myths
and the heart suffices for living
One day when the meaning of each sound is to love….
_Ahmad Shamloo

Originally from Iran, Marjane Saidi was a teenager when she left her native country a few years after the 1979 revolution. She has spent most of her life outside Iran. First Paris where she studied, then Montreal where she has lived for more than twenty years.
Marjane’s paintings represent fragments from her persian heritage that she tries to keep alive to the rhythm of her thoughts, as in souvenir albums. She tries to show a magical world of escape and freedom.
She takes her inspiration from persian literature, poetry and mysticism. The dove occupies a special place on her canvases. Symbol of freedom and peace. Female figures are the key element in many of her paintings. They are her storytellers transmitting the emotions, the nostalgia and the memories that inhabit them. With their jet-black hair in the wind, they affirm their identity, their femininity and their strength. They tell their stories and their hopes and represent an ode to freedom.
Marjane paints in acrylics and water color. She has also developed her style in digital art.