Who is Valeriia?
You only know the answer if you watch that movie to the end. Still searching, but to answer the question: a human being, a witch, a rider.
A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse? (Richard III.)
Depends on the horse. Avoid questionable deals and always have a vet examine the horse.

The meanest animal in the world?
Man. And also the kindest.
Which came first: the chicken or the egg?
I wasn’t there, so I can’t tell.

What is existentialism in simple words?
It’s a way to accept yourself and the world.
Vareniki or lasagne?
Vareniki with cherries, sour cream and sugar are something I could kill for.

Name one hero who was happy? (Madeline Miller)
Pick and name any person alive. Everyone needs to their own hero, and everyone can be happy.
Name three superpowers you wish you had?
Teleportation and belief in myself. I’m content with the rest.

What’s a bad habit that you want to get rid of?
The enemies of myth are not the friends of reality but of triviality? (Nicolas Gomez Davila)
I can’t agree. Myth, being collective, can be trivial as well.

People are quick to believe the bad things they hear about good people?I think that people are quick to believe in the bad in others because they consider themselves to be bad. Thinking that others are worse than you elevates you in your own eyes.
Tabloid magazines are hideous and the downfall of society?
Hard to answer, as I don’t follow them. However, it seems that society always seems to consider the current generation to be the most hideous.

What does the future look like for Valeriia?
Hold on, please, I’ll spread the tarot.
_Uwe Buschmann (copy editing Arta Buneta)